Tel: (02) 9819 7990

Suite 1.1, 135 Victoria Road, Drummoyne, NSW 2047

Your First Appointment

What to bring:

1. A referral from your general practitioner or optometrist. You will need this to get a refund from medicare. If possible please ask your referrer to fax or mail this to us prior to your appointment date.

 2. Your medicare card, and pension or DVA card if relevant.

2. A list of current medications and any allergies to medications.

3. Current distance and reading spectacles.

4. Sunglasses- if you require pupil dilation as part of your assessment you may experience glare and blurring of vision for a few hours afterwards. In this case we recommend you bring a pair of sunglasses and please do not drive after your appointment.

During your appointment:

At your first appointment you will be asked to complete a registration form and then have some preliminary eye tests done prior to seeing the doctor. In order to examine the back of the eye (the retina) you may also need to have your pupils dilated with drops. This may cause symptoms of glare and blurred vision for up to 3 hours.  We recommend you bring a pair of sunglasses and avoid driving for a few hours after your appointment.